List of Deluxe Menu parameters supported by Deluxe Css Menu:
Menu identifier. Change this parameter if you want to use several menus on the same page.
Add code for IE6 supporting: 0 - vertical, 1 - horizontal.
isHorizontal = 1;
CSS Menu orientation: 0 - vertical, 1 - horizontal.
smOrientation = 0;
Orientation of submenu: 0 - vertical (default), 1 - horizontal.
itemCursor = "pointer";
Items cursor.
Available values: "auto", "default", "pointer", "move", "crosshair", "text", "wait", "help".
pathPrefix_img = "mydomain.com/images/";
Path prefix for menu images.
This string will be added for all image paths in the CSS Menu.
pathPrefix_link = "mydomain.com/content/";
Path prefix for menu links.
This string will be added for all links in the menu.
menuWidth = '400px';
Width of the menu in (px, % or other units).
It's recommended to assign a precise value to this parameter for a correct menu positioning in different browsers.
menuHeight = "40px";
Height of the menu in (px, % or other units).
smWidth = 200;
Width of all submenus.
smHeight = 500;
Height of all submenus.
absolutePos = 1;
0 - relative CSS Menu position (for example, menu can be placed inside a table);
1 - absolute menu position (menu uses absolute coordinates on a page).
posX = 100; posY = 100;
X and Y coordinates of a top-left corner of the menu.
Works if absolutePos = 1;
You can set values in px or % (e.g. 100, "30px", "50%").
fontStyle = "bold 9pt Verdana";
Font style.
fontColor = ["#444444","#FFFFFF"];
Normal and mouseover font colors.
fontDecoration = ["none","underline"];
Normal and mouseover font decoration.
Available values: "none", "underline", "line-through", "overline".
fontColorDisabled = "#AAAAAA";
Font color for a disabled item.
The item is disabled when its target is "_".
menuBackColor = "#FFFFFF";
Background color of the menu and all the submenus.
menuBackImage = "back.gif";
Background image for the menu and all the submenus.
menuBackRepeat = "repeat-x";
Repeating of background of the menu and all the submenus.
Available values: "repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "no-repeat".
menuBorderColor = "#CCCCCC";
Border color of the menu and all the submenus.
menuBorderWidth = 1;
Border width for the menu and all the submenus.
menuBorderStyle = "solid";
Border style for the menu and all the submenus.
Available values: "none", "solid", "double", "dotted", "dashed", "groove", "ridge".
Item Appearance
itemBackColor = ["#FFFFFF","#4792E6"];
Normal and mouseover colors of item background.
itemBackImage = ["back1.gif","back2.gif"];
Normal and mouseover images of items' background.
itemBorderWidth = 0;
Width of items' border.
itemBorderColor = ["#6655FF","#665500"];
Normal and mouseover colors of items' border.
itemBorderStyle = ["solid","dotted"];
Normal and mouseover styles of items' border.
Available values: "none", "solid", "double", "dotted", "dashed", "groove", "ridge".
itemAlignTop = "left";
Text alignment for top items.
Values: "left", "center", "right".
itemAlign = "left";
Text alignment for submenu items.
Values: "left", "center", "right".
itemSpacing = 0;
Item spacing.
itemPadding = "4px";
Item padding.
You can also set multiple values, for example:
"10px 15px 10px 5px";
(top, right, bottom, left)
iconTopWidth = 24; iconTopHeight = 24;
Width and height of icons for top-level items.
iconWidth = 16; iconHeight = 16;
Width and height of icons for submenu items.
arrowImageMain = ["img1.gif","img2.gif"];
Normal and mouseover arrow images for top-level items.
arrowImageSub = ["arrow1.gif","arrow2.gif"];
Normal and mouseover arrow images for submenu items.
arrowWidth = 9; arrowHeight = 9;
Width and height of arrow icons.
Floatable Menu
floatable = 1;
Creates a floatable menu - when the page is scrolled the menu remains visible.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
Transitional Effects & Filters
transparency = 75;
Transparency of submenu in %.
shadowColor = "#777777";
Shadow color.
shadowLen = 3;
Length of shadow.
shadowTop = 1;
A shadow for a top-menu: 0 - hide, 1 - show.
saveNavigationPath = 1;
The menu keeps items highlighted during menu navigation.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled (default).

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All rights reserved.